HOPE is the belief that there is something better to come.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Our second visit

It's another sun-shiny day in Vlad. We visited with Munchkin again this morning. Again, she was nervous to start but warmed up during our visit. Today's favorite activity was coloring, followed closely by putting the crayons back in the box and then dumping them out again.

We're very happy with our decision for me to stay in Vlad during the 10 day waiting period. Although I'll only get to visit Munchkin a few times, each of those visits will be immensely helpful in her building comfort with me and trust in me. Did I mention that she and I will be taking a 9 hour flight back to Moscow? :)

We are pretty envious, however, of the families we see here at the hotel who already have their little ones in tow. The director of each baby home has the sole discretion whether to let the child leave with his or her new family during the waiting period. As were told on our first trip, the director of Munchkin's baby home NEVER lets a family take custody of their child prior to the full 10 days. Bummer.

What else . . . Our medicals went just fine yesterday. It was actually quite hilarious. We were literally done in under 15 minutes. One doctor checked our breathing. Another doctor felt our stomachs. A third doctor had us do a couple squats and touch our noses with our eyes closed. The next doctor asked us about any psychological issues. The "narcologist", a very serious man, ensured we weren't addicts of any sort (even checked our arms for track marks). Then there were 2 more outside of the "exam area"; one reviewed our lab results while the other reviewed our chest x-ray films (yes, we had to bring our x-ray films from home). As we left, there was another couple, also adopting, ushered in. While one person might call it a racket, another might remark on the efficiency of their health care system. I'll let you come to your own opinion. Likely, I don't need to tell you Chad's. :)

Another visit with Natalia tomorrow. Can't wait!


1 comment:

  1. So glad to hear that all is going well!! Oh the medicals! Ours was even less stressful. It was cold in the building so they made us stay fully dressed...only allowing us to remove our coats for the doc who needed to feel our spine. ;) We didn't complain.
    Blessings on your day!!!
